
A library is thought in cold storage- Herbet Samuel

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

RSS feeds

as part of our class we starting to use RSS feeds. The RSS feeds i've chosen for my blog are RSS feeds to the two blogs run by the National library of Australia. One of the blogs is the eloquent page blog which is about the fringe publishing that the National library of Australia collects (alterative press and hand published material, ephemera etc.) http://blogs.nla.gov.au/the-eloquent-page/about/http://blogs.nla.gov.au/the-eloquent-page/about/ 
The second blog run by the National library of Australia is about the work that happens in the library for example book repair and presevation, end processing and other work that goes on.
http://blogs.nla.gov.au/behind-the-scenes/   hope you find these blogs interesting

I think that having RSS feeds is a good idea as it gives you the latest information from a website without having to go to the site constantly and check. This is a good tool for libraries to use. It allows librarians or library technicians to get the latest information from websites that they need to use or moniter like databases, other library webpages, blogs, facebook,  etc without having to take time away from what they are doing. There are many different ways that this tool could useful.

Here are the citations for the blogs:

1. The National Library of Australia, the eloquent page, Canberra, Viewed 12th July 2011

2. The National Library of Australia, Behind the scenes, Canberra, Viewed 12th July 2011


  1. Interesting information about the NLA RSS feeds.

  2. I am having a 'post a comment session'. I have again looked at your links. The article on fringe publishing is passionate and the article on book preservation is informative and especially helpful with the accompanying pictures.

  3. A few people like the eloquent page as a feed. Do the citation for it in correct style and you're done for RSS - congratulations
