This is basically an add on to my post about RSS feeds. I don't really know much about them except that if you press the RSS feed button and it works i will get updates for that website to my computer with out having to visit that site. so i put my library skills to use and did a little research.
RSS feed stands for: Really Simple Syndication. a definition of an RSS feed i found which is like is: "a format for delivering regularly changing web content" i'm including a link to a website with information about RSS feeds. It isn't totally authoritative as it is a commercial website, but the information was easy to understand.
here is a good video about RSS feeds. its worth watching
1. What is RSS, what is RSS explained, New Zealand, viewed 28th july 2011,
2. YouTube, RSS in plain english, viewed 28th july 2011,
The site explaining RSS is very clear and easy to understand - thank you