
A library is thought in cold storage- Herbet Samuel

Thursday, 28 July 2011

searching stratergies

because knowing how to search and find information quickly is basically our job. I've found this awesume instructional video and thought i'd share it with you all. it is great fun to watch

Stanford Libraries Special Collections' Virtual Archives in Second Life

I found this video on flickr, this is what the stanford university has done with their collection online which i thought was great

HK PolyU Library in Second Life-http://www.lib.polyu.edu.hk/second_life

In class we have talked about the direction of libraries in the future and how we are using the internet more and more. This video is of a virtual library in second life which was created by a library in Hong Kong

About RSS feeds

This is basically an add on to my post about RSS feeds. I don't really know much about them except that if you press the RSS feed button and it works i will get updates for that website to my computer with out having to visit that site. so i put my library skills to use and did a little research.

RSS feed stands for: Really Simple Syndication. a definition of an RSS feed i found which is like is: "a format for delivering regularly changing web content" i'm including a link to a website with information about RSS feeds. It isn't totally authoritative as it is a commercial website, but the information was easy to understand. http://www.whatisrss.com/

here is a good video about RSS feeds. its worth watching

1. What is RSS, what is RSS explained, New Zealand, viewed 28th july 2011, http://www.whatisrss.com/ 

2. YouTube, RSS in plain english, viewed 28th july 2011, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0klgLsSxGsU

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Delicious and bloglines

I've been looking at delicious and it is actually really very useful. It is wonderful for organising webpages on your computer. you can organise all the pages that you use and visit regularly into categories, make tags and do searches. Delicious is a great tool for organisation and finding information. This would be a good to use in libraries as you can organise all the pages and resources that you use regularly and it would let you find information quickly, this is important in a place like a library where you have to manage your time effectively.

Now bloglines on the other hand i found rather annoying and difficult to use. The searching tools of bloglines was good, but the information it brought up was difficult to access and apply to anything. This made it pretty unhelpful. It is not something that i will be using. However it may have just been me and other people might find it a good tool to use. It was certainly good for searching things like blogs and webpages. If you could manage to access and use the links it retrieves it would have some great applications.


I've added an RSS feed to my blog from the unshelved website. This is a great site that has a very funny comic strip about libraries and librarians. If you have ever worked in a library you will appreciate this! It also has a bookclub and bookstore which is well worth taking a look at. This is a great site

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Uploading photos to Flickr

library bookslibrary studylibrary display

I took these photos of the polytechnic library and uploaded them to my new Flickr account as part of our Flickr exercise. It seemed fairly easy to do which is always good. Also using the Flickr blogging tool helps with sharing the photos i've posted here. It is fun to use

Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

I found this really good photo on Flickr and got a serious case of book greed. I would love to look through those books. Thought i would share this as part of our Flickr exercise

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

RSS feeds

as part of our class we starting to use RSS feeds. The RSS feeds i've chosen for my blog are RSS feeds to the two blogs run by the National library of Australia. One of the blogs is the eloquent page blog which is about the fringe publishing that the National library of Australia collects (alterative press and hand published material, ephemera etc.) http://blogs.nla.gov.au/the-eloquent-page/about/http://blogs.nla.gov.au/the-eloquent-page/about/ 
The second blog run by the National library of Australia is about the work that happens in the library for example book repair and presevation, end processing and other work that goes on.
http://blogs.nla.gov.au/behind-the-scenes/   hope you find these blogs interesting

I think that having RSS feeds is a good idea as it gives you the latest information from a website without having to go to the site constantly and check. This is a good tool for libraries to use. It allows librarians or library technicians to get the latest information from websites that they need to use or moniter like databases, other library webpages, blogs, facebook,  etc without having to take time away from what they are doing. There are many different ways that this tool could useful.

Here are the citations for the blogs:

1. The National Library of Australia, the eloquent page, Canberra, Viewed 12th July 2011

2. The National Library of Australia, Behind the scenes, Canberra, Viewed 12th July 2011

A library blog

I used technorati to search for library related blogs as part of our class. I found this blog http://library.osu.edu/blogs/japanese/

This blog is run by Maureen Donovan who is the Japanese studies librarian and associate professor for Ohio state university libraries. This blog was set up for the university staff and students for research purposes. It has a lot of links to various library japanese collections and sites for research and studies. It has good reliable and accurate information and is very authoritative. It also has a number of literary texts and dictionaries as well as a number of news sites. It is linked to the home page of the Ohio state university website so you can also access the resources there. In all this blog has a lot of interesting information on japanese culture, art, history and news. It has links to a number of very good library databases and collections.

The Ohio state university, university libraries-blogs-japanese collections, Ohio, viewed 8th July 2011,